Keeping You Cumming

I left the room but then heard a squeak come from above and froze. I had once again forgotten about Berry, and she had just been subject to... well. I reached up and picked the little blue squirrel off the top of my head and brought it over to in front of my face. The Blue Bell stared back at me but no different than before.

"Can you understand me?" I asked, and Berry tipped her head to the side. I would take that as a no.

I placed Berry back on my head and let her get settled before I got moving again. I guess that type of thing didn't bother her, so I would just ignore it for now. I am not really sure what kind of effects seeing that would have on a creature like this, but it seemed oblivious so far.

I walked down the stairs of the inn to the first floor, but the place had been completely cleared out.