Unexpected Twist

"Fine, take her and go. But this is not over," she warned, and I just snorted as I released her and grabbed Mishal's hand again.

"Whatever you say," I said dismissively as I pulled Mishal with me out of the Temple.

We walked in silence for a while before Mishal finally broke it as we made our way back to my home.

"Thank you for doing that," she said quietly, and I shrugged.

"I am not one to leave people in bad situations, especially when they are helping me out," I explained, and Mishal nodded.

"I appreciate it," she said after a moment, and I could tell that she was sincere. "So, where are we going?"

"My place. It is time that you told me what was going on," I said as we turned a corner, and Mishal sighed.

"Fine, but it is not a pretty story," she warned, and I just nodded for her to continue.