
Tallia and I slammed back into our bodies, but she stumbled a bit, so I caught her. She looked up at me with a bewildered look as I helped her in my arms.

"Galio... what in the goddess just happened back there?!" Tallia asked me, and I pursed my lips with a slight grin and raised an eyebrow.

"I have no fucking clue. Honestly, I was just as surprised as you were," I said with a chuckle, and Tallia rolled her eyes but then hugged into my chest.

"I could feel that you cared about me, and I have always had dreams about you, but I had no idea what you gave up to have me in your life. I am sorry if I have been mean or rude to you, but I just had no idea," Tallia said, and I hugged her close, wrapping my tail around her.

"There is no path too long or the enemy too strong. My love will always be true, and I will always find you. You are my goddess, and you are by far the hottest... ouch! Dammit, don't bite me! I was on a roll!" I growled as Tallia bit me and then giggled.