Last Moment Of Peace

Once the food was done, I stood up, and Tallia followed suit as we walked away from the fire. We made our way back up to the top of the wall and leaned against it, looking out over the wasteland that was covered in glowing magical circles of all colors. The massive red one off in the distance was glowing so bright now that you could see the rays of red light coming up from it as the sun slowly set.

"How much time do you think we have left?" Tallia asked as she leaned into me, and I wrapped my fluffy white tail around her. Tallia moaned, pulling my tail in as she rubbed her face all over it. "Gah, Listenia was right! This thing is like a drug; it feels so good!"

"Mmm, I don't mind you petting it, but slow down, or we might have to miss the fight," I laughed, leaning over to kiss Tallia's forehead, but she turned her face up and pulled me into a kiss instead.