RiftwalkerxNightmare Cat

Tallia slammed back into her body, and Umbra started to form over the Summoning circle that started to fade.

"Huh?! You summoned a cat?! I thought you were going to get some kind of power or something?!" Silvy asked in confusion as Tallia picked up Umbra and cuddled her into her face and chest.

"Umbra will be enough," Tallia said as she stood and then spotted Carla running down the wall. She opened a portal to open in front of the captain, and Carla came running out of the portal Tallia had made beside herself. Carla stopped in confusion and looked at her Goddess, who was petting a black cat that seemed to be made from shadow. It was so dark that it seemed to swallow the light, and it was hard to look directly at.


"Do not fire on Galio. Let him defeat the Riftwalker, and then I will deal with him," Tallia said as she turned to look out at the two massive monsters fighting over ten miles away.