Doll Attack!

That one was going to be a tough nut to crack, and Elfinia really didn't seem like her time with Listenia had improved her mood at all. The memories that I could remember with her were mostly her bickering with me or getting violent. That made me worry about her, but I wasn't going to give up. This trip might be exactly what she needs, danger and all.

I took a deep breath in and then sighed it out before turning back around to look for my follower, but I couldn't spot her. I headed over to the last place that I had seen the head poking out from and walked into the back alley, looking around.

"I know you are in here, so you might as well come out," I said, looking around but not seeing anything.

There were barrels and boxes scattered everywhere, with clothes and other things thrown all over the place, but I couldn't see anything that looked like it moved or breathed. It was at this point that a small piece of paper falling from one of my pockets caught my attention.