First Day On The Road

We spent the rest of the day traveling across the land. We would stop every now and again to let everyone stretch their legs and eat a meal before continuing on. Eliza proved to be quite adept at finding the best places to stop, and Chili followed her lead like a puppy following its owner everywhere. I couldn't help but laugh whenever I saw them walking side by side, and I knew that Eliza was happy. It was nice to see her smiling and laughing. Her face was more relaxed, and there was a glow to her that reminded me of someone else.

I tried not to think of my Goddess too much because I knew that she was busy dealing with things in Brama, and things were going pretty good so far. Rexa had offered to drive since she didn't get tired, making things easier for everyone; she just had a certain amount of time that she could function, and then her body would go into rest mode.