You Shall Not Pass!

I enjoyed the kiss for a while, but then I had to push Elfinia off me. As much as I would have loved to take her right then and there, there were things going on that had to be dealt with before that kind of fun could be had.

"I hate to say this, but we have to go," I said regretfully while getting up from the bench and helping Elfinia get back on her feet as she blushed slightly.

"R-Right! We have things to do!" Elfinia exclaimed before rushing off toward one of the windows.

"The door is over here. Claire, let's get going. We have a demoness to catch and a spell to unravel." I said before walking over to the door and opening it for her.

"Right! Let's go!" Claire exclaimed as she rushed out of the carriage, Elfinia hot on her trail and not looking at me. I guess she still was going to be difficult; even after her jumping on me to kiss me, Elfinia still seemed frosty. That might be because she didn't want the other people to see her warm up to me after being so cold.