Elfinia's Time Pt 1

"They were.... hurt pretty bad," Claire whispered, and I felt anger start to bubble up inside of me as I thought about all the things that could have happened if my girls got hurt. It also meant that there might be more of them out there since one had gotten away from Goldy.

I needed to find this woman, but for now, I would concentrate on getting these women back in better spirits before dealing with her tomorrow morning after some sleep hopefully.

"I am just happy that you are all okay, but what about this door? Better question," I asked and turned to Goldy. "Why didn't you just portal you all out after that?"

"Wouldn't work. There was something about that place that blocked me. I could still use my magic, but I had lost my connection to many of my goddess powers," Goldy explained. "It wasn't until we reached the door that I felt it come back to me. I portalled us out, but that was when Elfinia slipped and got dirty."