Make The Best Of It

"I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing right now with him. I tried to make him take more so he would be less likely to lose control, but I just ended up making more work for him," Tallia said, letting a long breath out.

"Things are going well. Galio has been balancing things as he goes and even used a great amount of Positive energy when he was in the dungeon. You are just there to stop him if things go too far, and I appreciate what you are doing with Xena. I know that you told her that Galio is in Calham, but this is for the best. The cultists are just a distraction that Galio will conquer over, but even if they were able to summon a Demon Queen, they are nothing in the face of a True God. The Blood Witches are going to be the problem going forward," Nemoria explained, and Tallia groaned.