From The Underworld

The new beasts were tricky, and their numbers seemed to be endless, but I was finally able to start wearing them down after a while. I had killed dozens of them and drained them of blood as more kept coming. The ground was slick with blood which only made it easier for me to take them down since they would slip in it when they tried to dodge my attacks.

I allowed myself to get hit more often than not on purpose, but the creatures couldn't pierce my thick Panther hide with their teeth or claws, which meant I was safe from that, but their strength was still there. My body was sent flying into trees or tossed around like a rag doll, but it didn't matter because I could take the hits.

The only issue was that they were also trying to tire me out so I wouldn't be able to fight as long, but I just kept draining blood from them. I felt like my body was starting to reach a critical point from all the blood, and then I suddenly started to swell as my body became covered in black spikes.