Blurring The Lines

I was taken into the bedroom, but I was confused about how this was going to work. Sure the girls weren't related, but the girls didn't really seem to like each other from what I could tell. Not that I was against this kind of thing at all, but it did beg for some questions.

Once the door was closed, I was taken over to the bed by Listenia, but I stopped her and turned her back to me. I was about to rip my own damn ears off for doing this, but something felt off about this all.

Now, I wasn't one for being paranoid, but this all seemed to be a little too coincidental. Why me? What was the purpose of this? Was it because they settled on a mate or what? No matter how hard I wracked my brain, I couldn't come up with anything that fit. The worst part was that both of them were staring at me now as Elfinia crossed her arms while Listenia looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"