A Different Beast

"I am not trying to hide. I will hang Carrie out a window by her panties if the woman doesn't tell me where Hilda is. As long as they don't try to fight back, I will likely just let them live," I growled, and Ezra giggled at me.

"You say that now, but trust me when I say you aren't going to be able to kill those girls in cold blood. Yes, Carrie is a snake, a complete bitches, and badly needs a reality check, but… She is still a person with family and friends. If you just go out there swinging your fists around all, you are going to end up doing more damage than good. There is also a very good chance that it might not even be Carrie that took her. Both women have multiple partners with large families. There is a very good chance that someone other than Carrie would have done this," Ezra explained, and I rubbed my hand over my face.

"How do you know so much about this?" I asked curiously as I listened to my day keep getting more complicated.