Other Things

"Okay, you can come out now," I said as my cats retracted back into me, and the air bubble popped, lightly dropping Marie on the floor where she fell on her feet, but sunk to the floor as she looked at her now incredibly clean body and new clothes, and then around the room in disbelief.

"Wh-What happened?" Marie asked as she looked around the room in disbelief before looking back at me with wide eyes. "Who are you really?!"

I sat down on the newly made bed and watched as Marie slowly walked around the room, running her hands over everything to make sure it was real. I had explained who I was, wishing tomorrow was already here to get the cards from Goldy, but Marie was still stuck in shock mode.

"I told you, I am here to help people," I said as Marie finally came over and sat down on the bed next to me. "If you don't want my help, then that is fine, but I can at least make your life a little bit easier."