You Don't Have To Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here!

"I understand how you feel, but that doesn't give you the right to try and kidnap Hilda or even consider killing her! What did you think would happen? Were you willing to die for this jealousy? I only wanted to help fix this city, but all you care about is your stupid pride and having something that was never meant to be yours," I said with a tired expression with Brindle still in my arms as I waved my finger before pointing in front of me. "Now go to Northwall Jail, where Meeta awaits." The portal opened once again, this time sucking out Sabrina as she yelled expletives at me until she was gone too.

The room broke out into cheers for me, thanking their Cat God for his justice which made me smirk slightly before carrying Brindle out of the bar. The smirk was forced because Sabrina's words had stayed with me, but it wasn't something that I could help with.

The cool night air hit us both as I left the bar, but brindle asked to be put down.