Finding Hilda

It seemed like Hilda had been taken far away from the Richmer Farm, which meant that she was either being hidden or kept under house arrest. Either way, it was up to me to rescue her and bring her back home safely.

"I shouldn't be too long, but where can I find you after?" I asked Breya after Sabrina was taken away, and Breya nodded.

"I will just wait here with the girls for you. I have been up at strange hours lately, so I don't mind waiting up for you. I just noticed this thing yesterday, but I knew that you were still busy," Breya said as we both stood up. "I was just bothered when I saw the image on the egg."

I smiled and kissed her. I had an inkling of what might be going on.

"Does the thing in the image almost look like it could be a person that wasn't fully developed? Like maybe it was in the image of what a person might look like?" I asked curiously, and Breya frowned at me.