The Breakdown

"Complaints, your own refusal to talk to me straight, things that other people have said. All of it is quite unsavory, in my opinion, and it seems that you are treating your daughters as slaves," I said, and Irene turned her nose up at me.

"I think you should leave," Irene said, but I gestured for two chairs to grow.

The first grew vines that grabbed the shorter Irene and strapped her down to the chair. She struggled, but I was no longer here to follow any silly city rules anymore. I took the other chair and sat across from Irene, who stared defiantly at me.

"I think I will stay, and you are going to start answering my questions, or I will request the help of an Angel to get the answer out of you. You can either tell me on your own, or I will get it out of you. This is not up for debate, but your position as the head business owner is," I said, but Irene glared at me.