Borrow Some Wheels!

"Oh, of course, you will! You just expect us all to lay down our weapons and let you take over Torrain City? And who is this 'Us'? There is no one else here besides me!" Destructia shouted as she gestured around her, and summoning circles appeared everywhere around me. "Or is it? Did you think that I would come unprepared to fight the False God?! Your mother, Nemoria, is the one that will rule us all!"

I looked around and looked around at the Brood Spawn Riftwalkers that were starting to rise up from the circle. Each of the otherworldly creatures was covered in tentacles and had the smell of rot hanging over them. This was not something that I wanted to fight in the city, but these creations were no ordinary spawned creatures.

"You will not take over Torrain City, Destructia," I said as I lifted my gun and fired a single shot at her head. The shot went through her with ease, but she only smiled at me.