What?! 150,000 feet?!

"Yes, I have been working on Aquashell, a sugar-based building solution. It is really amazing stuff, and I am sure it will be of great use to us," Amanda said as she smiled up at me.

I grinned back and nodded before responding. "Aquashell sounds like something truly revolutionary! I am actually installing a plant here in the city. Hilda had been researching it and was trying to implement it before I even got here. I think that it is really going to change the way things are done. I am surprised that you just didn't make normal plastic?"

"Aquashell is biodegradable, and I have enough memories to know that crude oil-based plastics are just a mess waiting to happen. There are also no abundant sources of oil anywhere, even if we wanted to. We have done a pretty going job of keeping the world and ocean clean, but I am not sure if it would matter even if we did," Amanda explained, and I frowned.