Stand On End

"Now, this is only the beginning. I will be coming back to check up on the city once in a while, and I am sure that all of you will be able to do your part as well. Now, I know that I have been neglecting some of you lately, but I promise that I am going to spend more time with you all. I am going to give each of you the opportunity to have a child if you want, and I will help with the raising of the children. I am here for you, and we're all in this together," I said, and then I lowered us back down to the ground and dispelled the air barrier.

The women all cheered and hugged me, and some even cried tears of joy. Even Titania looked touched, and I smiled and hugged her too.

"Umm, do you think we could go back to the city now? I kind of want to see how everyone is doing, and that paperwork isn't going to take care of itself," Hilda said with a smile as she walked over to me. I had almost forgotten I had brought her along.