You Bitch! That Was My Tart!

"Interesting. What other creatures of the night have you procured?" Morgana asked curiously, but I pulled her into a kiss.

"Enough talking for now, there is still plenty of night left, and I am sure that more monsters will call out soon enough," I said against her lips, and she laughed.

"I do believe you are right," Morgana nodded as she fluttered her eyes closed again and allowed our kiss to deepen before we pulled away.

"Do you want to go see them?" I asked with a smirk, and Morgana's smile deepened.

"Lead the way," She said as she grabbed my hand, and I gestured for a portal to open, but Cynthia, the Cursed Enchantress, was tossed through. It had been to the inn, but I guess the girls were going at it.

"You bitch! That was my tart and the last one!" Cleena screamed as she came flying through the portal, and I groaned.