Bathing Suits!

"I looked out the window and saw that you looked pretty distracted, so I wanted to surprise you!" Eliza exclaimed as she hugged me but then sniffed me and pulled back, waving her hand in front of her face. "Wow! You and Morgana must have had a lot of fun, but I can smell it on you!"

"Oh, sorry about that! I should have cleaned up first!" I laughed as Eliza hopped back from me, and I transformed into a black cat and then back. This time, I released Olivia's Blessing, and I returned to my body with my white ears and lovely fluffy tail that I had missed more than I knew.

"Your tail is back!" Eliza squealed, and I chuckled as she hugged me tight and sniffed the air around me.

"Yes, it is, and I'm glad to be home," I said with a smile before looking around. "Now, what beach did you want to take us to?"

"I think that the shores of Bramma should be good, but it might be a bit cooler there. Maybe we should ask the other girls if they have any ideas?" Eliza suggested, and I kissed her.