Stop Fucking Around

I stepped through the door and saw Aries sitting on a couch near a fireplace. She had her legs up and over a cushion, looking up at the flames as if they were her only source of comfort.

"Aries," I said softly, and she looked up in surprise before scowling. "Can we talk?"

I could feel the animosity coming off the Zodiac Goddess in waves, and I could almost taste the hate in her look. The hateful glare was so intense that it had become palpable.

It was clear that she had been drinking for a while from her red cheek and The Cup of Ever Flowing Wine in the end table beside her. This was only going to make her harder to deal with, but I could provoke her easier when she was like this.

"I have nothing to say to you, Ophiuchus. You are the champion, as usual, so just leave me be!" She snapped and then picked up her wine glass and drank deeply from it.