No Flipping Clue

"We all have them, so it is not like we are showing and swinging our growth around for everyone to see! You are the weirdo here," Daphne laughed, and Velma shook her head.

"We were just trying to make it easier for you! Geez, that would have been so much smoother if you didn't go grabbing our asses so weakly," Velma mumbled, and I just laughed.

"Well, now you both know how I work, so don't be surprised about it in the future!" I said with a wink before turning back to Breya's house.

"So, do we meet you at the Barracks later then?" Daphne asked as I walked away, and I nodded over my shoulder.

"Yes, but you can take some time off now if you want. I will find you when I am ready," I said before walking up to Breya's door and knocking.