Magic Transformer

"I will try to make more time to come and visit, but you can find me whenever you want. Now, what is this thing that you are working on?" I asked, pointing to the dome with the black stones in it that I had been holding. "And what are these stones?"

"This is a Magic Transformer, and I am going to use them to power the mechanical suits that I have been working on. I have been working on different ideas to power them, but making a nuclear fusion reactor or a Stardrive is impossible because there are no radioactive elements in this world. There are things like Radium and Uranium, but they don't produce any Alpha Radiation. It's almost like space and stars don't even exist," Amanda explained, but I frowned at this.

"I can see the stars right now," I said and pointed out the window, but Amanda shook her head and opened another portal.

The portal opened to the open air, but it was strange. There was a line in the center of the portal that seemed to divide the white roof above.