The End Of The Game

"Yes! Feed me! I am hungry!" I growled into her neck, tickling her with my scruffy facial hair and making her giggle.

"As you wish," Eliza said with a sly smile, and I grinned as she wiggled out of my arms and led Tallia and me to the dining room where Breya, Clair, Seraphina, Ashe, and Senna were already eating and talking.

Everyone looked up, and I stomped my foot on the ground a few times.

"Oh, you have come for a visit? Come to ruin another room?" Senna asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I fell in one of your stink pits after Tallia blasted me out of the air with an oversized garden hose!" I complained as I sat down beside Claire, giving her a head pat as I did and then a peck on the cheek. "Hey, you!"

"I hope you aren't still mad about what I did to you before?" Claire asked, but I shook my head and then patted her head as all her golden eye stalks turned to look at me.