A Talk Between Brothers

"That is a bit presumptuous of her, isn't it? What did you say?" Tallia asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"No, as many times as I could until I seemed to be the only person that seemed to think it was a stupid idea! I told Karma I would try, but Fate is irate and annoying beyond reason. Just to add more, he has a complex with his sister and hates that she likes me. The little bastard has been a cock block since the beginning of time!" I growled, and Tallia giggled.

"I'm sure you can handle it. After all, if anyone can, it is you," She said, and I sighed, shaking my head.

"I hope so. We will see soon enough now, won't we?" I asked, and she nodded, then hugged my arm tight to her as we reached my master bedroom, which was closed with a massive ornate door with golden cats carved and painted into it.

"Yes, I guess we will," Tallia said, and then I opened the door.

The moment we entered the room, it was filled with excited women's voices, but they all stopped the moment we walked in.