About Time

"Nice move!" Daphne grinned and jumped back to her feet, but Velma was instantly in front of me with a massive sword swinging down at me.

I slapped both hands together to clamp it between them, but the ground cracked under me. I was about to throw the blade to the side, but Daphne punched me in the gut, sending me flying back. I righted myself, but the instant I landed, I had to jump into the air to dodge the great blade that was flung at me, then use Wind Magic to dodge the spears Daphne was now hurling at me.

Then I was struck by lightning and sent crashing into the ground.

"Dammit!" I growled but then grinned at the girls. "Well, you two are in much more trouble than you look! I guess I should probably start taking you both more seriously!"

"It is about time. I was starting to get worried that we would be too much for you! Now, if you are done playing around, I would like to get serious," Daphne said, and then started to chant a transformation spell, and Velma followed suit.