Fate And Xena

"So, how are things going on the Blood Witch front? I am not really sure what we are supposed to talk about or what has made you feel like you deserve to be near Tallia, so why don't we start with that?" I asked, trying to keep the edge out of my voice, failing miserably.

"Do not answer him," Tallia snapped and then walked over to me, nearly slamming the tea down in front of me. "I forced her to come here every day, or I went and hunted her down. I am the one that decides if she is forgiven, not you, so mind your own business! You came here to ask me something that is clearly bothering you, not to harass the people I choose as guests, and it clearly is bothering you. Do not take your frustration out on people that are working on changing!" Tallia snapped, and I looked down at my tea.

"You are right, Galio. I don't deserve to be here, and I am just as confused as what she is trying to do. I know what I did, and I deserve your anger," Xena said, and the room went silent.