A New Age Dawns: The Rise of Galio and the Fall of Kadeon

"The only connection that Kadeon has here now is to the Blood Witches, but that doesn't really change anything since it was him controlling them all along in the background by using Nemoria as blame. In the end, this really didn't change anything, and I am still going to purge the witches, but now they will be restricted with what they can do," I explained, and the other women gathered around.

"So, what are we supposed to do now?" Nemoria asked, and I smiled.

"Well, I still have to get some strange gifts, so I guess we could go do that? I mean, you don't all have to come, but I am sure that you all want to go see the amusement park and mall, right?" I asked, and Nemoria frowned at me.

"Do you really think this is the time for that?" She asked, and I nodded.