The Battle at Grey Mass Arena

"This time, I am coming with you!" Lexi declared, and I nodded as we walked up to the next arena. Grey Mass Arena.

There would be this one and then three more after it just to get to the next layer. The fifth layer should be a break for Lexi and me since I didn't expect Martha or Toto to survive. I am not even sure why they were coming.

"We are going to watch from the stands; come, Martha," Toto said, and I frowned at her.

"What do you mean? Are you not coming in to fight?" I asked, but Toto shook her head.

"No, we would both surely die," She said without turning around, pulling a struggling Martha along, but her struggles looked more because she was being dragged along, not because she wanted to stay.

"Wait!" I yelled, but Toto and Martha were already gone.

"Maybe we can lose them on the way out of the arena and fly to the next one?" Lexi asked, and I rolled my eyes at her.