Battle at the Portal: Are You Drunk?!

The following day, I left the girls sleeping and opened a portal to Tallia's house, where she sat with Nemoria and Fate. They were all drinking Tea, and they looked up when I arrived, looking drained but in a more peaceful way.

"You look like you've been through an emotional wringer! But that good kind of wringer," Tallia said.

"It was a strange night. We chased Grace around the room for an hour before bed, after she discovered how to fly... or I guess she already knew how to... she can't speak with words, but she talks in our minds. To top it all off, she really wasn't that interested in going to sleep, and I ended up getting talked to sleep by my daughter, who is less than a day old. It was bizarre. Now, the matter at hand is Lexi and her situation by the portal. She will have every beast known coming for her soon unless we intervene."