Destiny or Misdirection: Truth's Trial

"You have my deepest sympathies, Truth." The words slipped out without my noticing, but when I did I meant every word. If this was the alternative, I would gladly take what Truth was doing to me.

"Don't. That is the reason why she despises us both, and why I took you on this path filled with despair. We are cowards, but your purpose is to become better than me. You must kill us all when the time comes. If you don't, this will never end, and one day you will be standing here explaining this to another. I was never able to kill the Eldritch, but not for a lack of trying. Akasha still exists, but I don't think that I have to explain that to you."

I put my hand up to stop him and then spun my fingers back. "Hold on, and let's rewind. You said something pretty important there about me killing you. I get the other two, but why you, and how can I kill something that you couldn't?"

Truth sighed a long, heavy sound that made his figure shimmer for a moment before he regained control.