Ripples of Change

Grace looked up at me as everyone ate the sweets that Breya brought, and suddenly I was standing on open plains with my beautiful angel standing before me.

"You can relax, you know that right? Taking this time to yourself is a path that will lead you to where you need to go. Yet, the future shifts because a small part of you wants to go and snuff out the other connections Kadeon has in this world. If you do that, you will lose people that you care about, and I don't want to see you hurt like that," Grace said with a smile that I returned.

"Your sense of time is amazing, you know that? And you even seem to know me better than some of my friends, haha!" I laughed, but then let out a sigh. "Yes, you are right, and I think it is time I took it easy for a while, but that was the plan anyway."