Penny For Your Thoughts.

Transforming into a white cat, I hopped out a window, and down to the ground. The women would all remember talking to me, but not until much later. I was sure it was going to cause some unrest.

As for me, I wanted to explore this amazing creation that I had raised up. Things had gone just how I had planned, save for the extra destruction. Still, pretty good for something like this.

As I started to stroll down the street, forcing everyone to ignore me, I got the smell of some fresh pie. The smell was coming in the direction of where the marketplace used to be. I had made sure to keep it the same, just much bigger since many people wanted to migrate here now.

Creating a big city was one thing, but filling it up was a whole other story. I mean, I could probably make some people, but that sounds like real god work, and hard stuff at that. I was more of the if you build it, they will come, attitude.