"She quit." Reid announced.
"What did you do?" Tammy asked, his question directed at me.
I opened my mouth to speak but Reid beat me to it.
"You see how this is a normal question?"
"Nichole would never quit. She has eyes for him. Something must have happened." Caesar said.
I sighed. "I don't know what happened."
"Have you spoken to her?" Tammy grabbed a piece of chicken wings and began to munch on it. He was the only person I knew who couldn't drink alcohol without chicken by the side.
"Yeah, did you talk to her? Find out what's wrong?"
Was I supposed to? I mean she did quit after which she refused to take any of my calls. What was I supposed to do at this point?
"She refused to take my calls after she left, Reid. It's like she doesn't want anything to do with me."
"O-Kay. Did you try going to her house?" Caesar looked at me like if I hadn't thought about doing that, then I was simply plain dumb.
Call me dumb then.
It never crossed my mind to visit Nichole. Even though she was competent and the best at what she did, the whole outburst this afternoon was something I found distasteful. She had been unprofessional. Quitting the company because of her personal feelings was something I didn't want to tolerate or applaud. For whatever reason she'd done what she did, there was no justification that would be good enough. Besides, going to her house just to ask her why she quit after she quit seemed like an extremity.
I'd already made up my mind to let her go. What bothered me was the conversation we had.
"I don't think it's necessary to go as far as looking for her in her house. There are many competent people to fill in for her. She wants to leave, I won't stop her."
They sighed in unison, reclining in their seats.
"For crying out loud, Drego, we didn't mean to visit her because of work."
"He won't get it, Caesar. Don't bother talking to him about it anymore." Reid sighed loudly, pouring the remaining content of his bottle into his empty glass cup.
"Get what? You know I'm not interested in Nichole. I've never had any interest in her whatsoever."
"Maybe. But now that you know she likes you, you could try getting interested, you know…" Caesar's brows danced up and down.
"Nichole is beautiful, and loyal. She has a good record too. I can guarantee you she isn't after your money. She's a little introverted, but she can be outspoken when necessary. You should know. Also… I've given more than enough reason, no need to add more."
"I don't see Nichole as anything—wait… Caesar. Did you do a background check on Nichole?"
He smirked. That was all the answer I needed.
Caesar had a habit of looking into people beforehand.
He had trust issues. But who could blame him. His own brother and step mother tried to kill him because they wanted the family wealth all to themselves….
"You're welcome." His smirk never dwindled even though it was facing my glower. He raked his gold hair with his hands, biting his lower lips. I followed his eyes and that's when I saw what had stolen his attention.
Tammy at once, wiped his mouth and hand, sitting upright.
"No. No. Hell no. You can't. This is supposed to be a boys night out." Reid protested when he noticed where their eyes were stationed.
"Because you're having problems with your girlfriend right now doesn't mean everybody around you has to suffer, no?" Even though Tammy was talking to Reid, his eyes never left the two blonds who just walked in wearing almost nothing.
"That's harsh man, even for you." Reid frowned, and I laughed.
"You're having problems with Cassie? What's it… like just this week? Third time?"
"Fourth actually." Caesar finally looked away from the girls and back at us.
"Don't start." Reid warned. "Go away you two." Reid had barely finished his statement before Tammy and Cesar rose up.
"I pray they give you guys std's." Reid whispered, smiling evilly.
Tammy and Caesar must not have heard him because they just kept walking towards the girls.
"They are gonna die bachelors. Actually, all three of you are gonna die bachelors."
"I've been married once. That's enough for this lifetime." I said dryly.
"Yeah right. Like that counts."
"Shut the fuck up." I said, a small smile on my face.
It was only playful times like this I was able to bring up my marriage.
"I know you don't see Nichole as anything more, but you can't lose her." Reid said in a serious tone. "If there was a misunderstanding, you should fix it. Correct it."
"You don't have to sound so serious." I nudged him.
"I am serious. Go to her house and talk it out with her. Bring her back to the company. You may not know it, but you need her. She doesn't just handle the customer care department, she kind of has been keeping the whole place together."
"Now you're just spewing nonsense. But… if it gets you to shut up, then I'll go over to Nichole's and have a word with her."
No matter what happens, I'd at the very least get her to explain what she meant when she said I told her I'd given up on love.
"Now, about you and Cassie. What happened this time? And why didn't you tell me?"
"You really don't know why?"…