Chapter twelve


The first day I met Avril, I could feel it in my bones that I wanted her. When I got to know her, nothing could stop me from making her my wife.

After finding out what she and her brothers had plotted, I thought I'd been a bad judge of character. That my almost accurate judgement of people had been… wrong. In my line of work, you needed to have the sixth sense. You needed to be able to tell genuine people from the pretenders. Until Avril, I thought I had that nailed down.

It took Avril dying before I realized that I'd been right about her. She was good. Inside and out. When it came down to making a choice, to protect me and send her brothers who raised her to jail, she chose to give her life instead.

I can only imagine how hard it was to make that choice.

"New relationships aren't forged by breaking old ones." Were her last words to me. I've never been able to forget them.

She'd made the ultimate sacrifice. Taken the blame for everything her brothers made her do.

I was right all along. I was still an excellent judge of character. And I could damn well feel it if someone was right for me.

I didn't get that feeling. Not the first time I met Nichole, or the years after. I'd barely noticed her even though I saw her almost everyday the last three years. If we were meant for each other, I'd have felt something. Like I did with Avril.

Nonetheless, I would not only be a fool but also a coward if I didn't admit that looking at Nichole right now, I wanted her. There was no denying that I was attracted… to her body.

Nichole was drop dead sexy. I'd never seen her in anything like that before. She'd been showing me a different kind of herself ever so often it was hard to keep up.

I finally dragged my eyes away from her, that's when I realized I wasn't the only one who'd stared like an idiot.

"Damn! Is that Nichole?" Caesar smiled, unbuttoning his green blazer.

All of a sudden I felt a little irritated that he was wearing green. The same color Nichole was wearing. And the most annoying part was, they were wearing almost the same shade of green.

"Can I call dibs on her?" Tammy joined us, standing beside Caesar. "You don't like her right?" He turned his attention to me after slowly licking his lower lips as his eyes scrutinized Nichole.

She was working as always, with no idea that more than half the men inside this room wanted her.

"Drego is a violent man. You sure you wanna risk offending him?" Reid smiled, first at Tammy, and then at me.

"Not this again." I said because I wasn't sure what my response should be.

"You really don't want her?" Reid raised a brow, "Okay. Cool. Tammy, Caesar, Drego just gave his blessings. You can go after her."

"Shut up, Reid." Even I had heard the anger in my voice. I didn't even know I was angry, or why I was angry, I just was.

They all stared at me.

"I mean… she-she's a person. Not an object. Stop referring to her like she's an object. Stop giving her away. To me, or any other person."

They didn't say anything, just annoying smirks on their faces. Reid's face especially had this annoying you've-been-caught look.

"I'm going to get a drink." I walked away from them before they pushed me to make any other mistake. It was obvious they'd done this on purpose.

Somehow, Nichole's and my path hadn't crossed the entire evening.

It was time for the main event.

Tammy took to the stage when his name was called. He looked dashing as ever. Black suit covering his muscular brown skin. His curly hair was as sharp as ever.

"Mr. Rudnick is offering his beach house in the Maldives for two weeks. It's a duplex located in the middle of an island. Need I say more…" the crowd laughed. "Also, yes people, it's a two for one special this year. In his generosity, he has decided to also give his vacation house in Thailand for two weeks. It's not everyday you see a man who loves charity as much as he does." Mr O'Neil who was the spokesperson for the 'educate the children' NGO said, laughing as others joined him.

"That bastard. He's gone behind our backs to outdo us." Caesar hid his anger behind a smile. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Wait in line." Reid added, he too feigned laughter, his eyes never leaving Tammy who had a condescending unapologetic smile on his face as he looked directly at us from the stage he stood feeling like a god.

Knowing Tammy, he must have done this for the thrill.

He'd outdone us all.

Every year, during this gala, we made a deal to be fair to each other.

The thing is, the blogs, papers, and the write ups about events like these, charity events to be precise, was a serious matter for us. If one of us outdid the other, the negative comments about the rest gave our PR lots of work to do after.

People didn't think twice before bashing us and calling us cheap even though we donated a lot for one charity gala. And they never consider the fact that in a year at least three galas must be hosted and they're done annually. All of which we're expected to be present and to fully participate.

That's why we came up with the plan to be equal in whatever we offered. This way, we don't spend too much on cleaning our image.

"Does anybody have a backup plan?" I asked knowing we were all thinking about one now.

"Nope. But I think I just had an idea." Reid said.

"The bidding starts at ten thousand dollars." Mr O'Neil said. "Do I hear ten thousand dollars?"

"Fifteen thousand." A woman from the other end of the room yelled.

In only a few seconds, the amount had increased to thirty thousand dollars and rising.

Tammy couldn't stop smiling. In the end, he was able to raise seventy thousand dollars with his ruse.

"So what's your idea?" Caesar asked when Reid returned.

"It involves spending more money than I planned to during these things. But it's worth it as long as I beat that traitor." He glowered.

"What are you gonna—no. Let me guess. You're going to spend your own money? You're going to bid for what you're offering?" Caesar questioned. His expression was contrasting with the emotion in his voice. He looked like the idea was below Reid, but he sounded like it was the best damn idea.

"Eighty thousand dollars baby. Tammy won't know what hit him."

"You're insane." I said.

"I think so too." Caesar said. "But it's a good kind of insane." He touched his blazers, patting it for a while. "I know what I'll do." He said and left.

"The next person is not only benevolent, himself and his family have dedicated many years of their lives serving the people… Mr. Caesar Montane."

It was finally Cesar's turn. He took to the stage, standing proud and happy. I thought I would have the chance to ask him what his plan was before he went up there.

Unfortunately i wasn't able to.

Tammy finally came to stand beside Reid and I.

"You're evil." Reid smirked, his eyes on the stage.

"I'll take it." Tammy smiled. He too was focused on Caesar in anticipation.

"He has a plan, doesn't he?" Tammy asked.

"We're about to find out." I replied.

"This year just keeps getting better." O'Neil smiled as he spoke. "Mr. Montane is also offering two items. The first is his family's yacht, The Montane. Three days on the sea with the famous boat. Imagine it. As you all know, a governor used that yacht. If you ask me, it should be in a museum..."

The crowd laughed.

"For the second—"

Caesar stopped O'Neil, then whispered something to him while we all watched. He took the mic from O'Neil, smiling, he said. "Can Miss Nichole join me onstage please."

Reid and Tammy looked at me the same time I looked at them. They were just as confused as I was.

I took my eyes back to the stage. Nichole had joined Caesar, and she was looking even more enticing under the bright light.

"Are they a couple? They look like a couple." A woman behind me whispered loudly.

My stomach churned.