chapter seventeen


Drego's mansion was nothing like I expected. There were no giant cobwebs or spooky skeletons. In fact, his home wasn't just neat and beautiful, but was also homely despite the rumor that he never let anyone, not even cleaners in. And after meeting his Nanny, Grace, I saw why. 

Grace was a woman in her late fifties. She had a lot of grey hairs mixed in the black, something I didn't expect especially since her sense of style was still impeccable. She was neatly dressed in a fitted black gown that stopped over her knee, and her small feet were hidden in a black two inch heel when we walked in and Drego introduced us. 

She barely spoke. Except when she was asking if everything was to my liking. 

The night had been uncomfortable. I'd laid on the bed in the guest room, eyes wide open, unable to get some sleep. The bed was nice, and the room, Grace had done a fine job with the decorations, especially since she didn't know what I liked. She kept everything simple, using a mild color scheme. Everything looked as if they'd just been bought. The bedsheets and duvet smelled new. 

A childish part of me thought Drego must have slept here a few times and his smell would linger on the pillows.

Surprisingly, as much as I wasn't feeling sleepy and had a lot to think about, I found myself sprawled on the bed the next morning. The drugs I was prescribed must have knocked me out. 

I almost cursed aloud when I saw that the time was almost eleven. One good thing came out of the long rest. My hand was feeling better than it did yesterday. 

"Can I get you anything dear, maybe breakfast?"

"A cup of coffee, please. Black."

Grace looked at me with a hint of concern. "Are you sure you should be taking coffee while on drugs?"

"If this medicine doesn't work because of a little caffeine, then the doctors must have hidden the good stuff and given me something lame." I joked. 

I thought I'd been a little bit funny, but her expression remained stoic. She simply handed me a white mug.

As i sipped on black liquid caffein, my eyes travelled around the kitchen. It was spacious and huge. But what I liked most about it was the white theme. Even the kitchen slab centered in the middle was white. I had noticed the small table in between the two egg chairs at one end of the kitchen and thought it was a beautiful idea. A place to sit and converse. My mind travelled to the future, my eyes picturing myself and Drego sitting joyfully as we held light conversations. The pitter patter of our children as they run heartily in the open space…

Too far.

I shook my head to break my train of thoughts, focusing on something lighter.

I'd heard that no one was allowed inside his house, so I wondered how Grace managed all of it on her own. I let my thoughts wander and ultimately, I found myself thinking about the owner of the house again.


"Is Drego up?"

There was a look on Grace's face, something I couldn't quite place my finger on. But for a split second she looked at me a certain way before letting me know that Drego had gone to the office. 

"Did he say anything about me before he left?"

She looked at me again, and I could tell what I'd missed the first time. She was suspicious of me. Or she didn't like me. Either ways, she wasn't my biggest fan.

"Can I know what your relationship with Drego is?"


I was at a loss for words. Our relationship? Did we have one? 

"Acquaintances? No? Friends? I don't think we're close enough for that. Employer, Employee relationship? Maybe?"

"Then can you at least tell me how you got the injury on your shoulder?" Now she looked concerned. Was that for me or for Drego?

She grew more worried with every second that passed, and It didn't help that I was mute. My silence was because I didn't know how to explain it to her. Had she failed to see the news? Was that even possible? But more importantly, Drego had told me his Nanny was the closest thing to family, in a way, she was a mother figure. I didn't want her to worry even more.

"Didn't Drego tell you what happened?"

She blinked, her face straightening. She turned around to continue what she'd been doing. I watched her hand dry the clean plates, placing them on a white shelf above her head.

"What would you like for breakfast. I can have the chef whip something up." She wiped her hand on another towel.

I raised the cup of coffee, "this is enough for now. I'll be going out in a while, so I'm good."

She gave me a small smile and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me yet again to my thoughts that consisted of one person. 


"… you owe me sis. Big time."

"I should have known. You're so naughty. What if it hadn't worked?"

Chris flung herself on my bed, lying belly up, her head hanging over the edge of the bed. "Careful." I said, thinking of how close she was and how much it'd hurt if she hit me by chance.

"So, is he treating you right? Do you like living with him? How does his house look? Is it as scary as they say? I know it's an exaggeration, but damn I'm curious. I should have come to you." Chris bombarded.

"It's been one night. What do you think happened in one night? We got home a little later than nine, and I woke up late and like I said over the phone, he was already gone."

"Why are you so boring, Nichole. When will you make your move?"

Chris had always been daring, but sometimes she came on too strong. I admired that part of her, but I was afraid I would only push Drego away if I was that forward. 

Before bed last night we'd agreed to finish the conversation we were having before the shooting started. I truly wanted to believe my waking up late was the reason why we couldn't talk. But I had doubts about that. He could have skipped work today, but he chose to go in. To avoid me.

"Just confront him. Tell him everything. You kissed. You talked. And you know the truth about his wife. Just be honest."

"Easier said than done." I sighed.

The day passed in a blur. With all that I had on my mind, I decided to take a stroll around Drego's magnificent compound. The well trimmed trees shimmied, the cool breeze blowing heavily. 

I had somewhat expected everything Chris said to happen. I thought being here would make the difference. But here I was, alone in this big house with Drego nowhere to be found.

Nothing had changed.

Apparently, he hadn't gone into the office today. My suspicion was true. He was avoiding me.

The bench was cold and somewhat moist. My ass was still getting used to the coolness when a bright light beamed into the compound and I heard the sound of the gate opening. I stood, recognizing the car. 

Drego killed the engine and then he hopped off. The light from the lamp poles were bright, and as Drego walked towards me, looking like one of the gods descending from Olympus, I noticed a frown on his face.

"Why are you sitting outside?" He scowled. He sounded like he was talking to a child. "Let's go in." He began to walk ahead of me. There was something about his demeanor. It was cold. More than he had ever been. 

"Can we talk? About what we were supposed to talk about this morning?" 

Drego halted, still he didn't face me. His broad back would have been so appealing right now if he wasn't being extremely irritant towards me.

"I'm tired. It's been a long day at the office."

The office? Why would he lie?

He didn't have to tell me where he'd been all day. I wasn't delusional enough to think I had a right to know about his whereabouts. I wasn't even going to ask. 

"Right. The office. Grace told me you had gone to the office this morning. You must have had a long day."

He began to walk again, and I followed behind. 

Why was he avoiding me? Was living with me such a big deal? Is this how the entire week would be? Him sulking and lying and me putting up with it?

With every step closer to the house, my blood boiled. The wind had increased but it did nothing to soothe my anger. 

Drego grabbed the door knob, twisted it and was about to step in when I lost it and said, "you weren't at the office all day. You're lying." This time he faced me.