
With my head spinning, after a few minutes of wandering around aimlessly, I see Erica, coming from the Private area with the muscular guy I saw earlier they seem to be having a good conversation, but what could she be doing around that area? Is it because she was trying to find me or something, or maybe she knows the guy since she's the one that brought us here she sounds familiar with this place though.

She gingerly walks away from the VIP section.

"Erica!" I call out to her waving my arms in the air trying to get her attention, but she still doesn't notice me, I walk in her direction and yell at her again but this time it works, Her eyes meet mine, and she seemly reads my face and comes over walking as fast as she could.

"Hey, what's wrong are you okay?" she steps toward me with worry all over her face.

"Can you please tale my home" I blurt out?

"Sure but can you tell me what happened" she questions.

" I will tell, you when we get out of this place," I say.

She nods her head in response.

Sliding into Erica's car, the events of the night finally hit me. how could that man be so rude, he switches moods of a sudden.

Why did he react when I wanted to take off his mask, could it be that it was him, Emir?

I think I've gotten my limit on alcohol tolerance, I feel dizzy and badly need a nap.

I lean back my head relaxing into the headrest and sigh. A headache develops out of nowhere, and I groan in pain.

"What happened back in there?" she questions peering over at me, waiting for me to give her an explanation.

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.

"Can I ask you something?" I blurt out.

She nods.....

"By any chance is Emir here in NYC?" I ask.

Erica takes time to respond.

"Erica!" I call out to her.

She jumps in confusion " What?" she asks.

"I asked you a question," I ask not taking my eyes off her.

"E-Emir isn't here" she stammers.

"I didn't ask if he was here, I asked if his in NYC or not?"

She chuckles awkwardly "Oh, Emma his on a vacation with his Fiance," she says.

My heart ripped into pieces When I heard those 6 words slip out of her tongue.

A few minutes later, we pull up at my apartment building, Erica turns off the car and sits in her seat facing me. I fidget in my seat, I have no idea what she's about to say.

I start to think of what she said a few minutes back, He is living his best life and here I am living with a broken heart because of how he left me.

" Erica," she sighs, grabbing my attention.

I don't wanna have a long ass chat about her brother right now I finally got to know-how is doing, He has moved on and so will I, I have to remove myself from this poor state and upgrade myself I can't let no man treat me the way that he did.

"Earth, Emma".

I stare at her confused.

She was about to continue her statement when I cut her off.

" I'm so dizzy right now can you play and take me inside I need a nap."


Emir's Pov

I know she will be here anytime soon and I don't want her to recognize me as the Emir she knew, if that happens then I'm afraid she will never want to see my face again for I broke her heart into pieces.

"Do you recognize me in this mask?" I ask my bodyguard Zahir who is also my close friend at least his not part of the people that get scared each time they see me walk in their direction, I mean Zahir does get scared around me but I appreciate him for not making it known.

"Sir, I don't even know who you could be," he says with a serious face.

Before I could reply to him, a movement caught my eye, I stare at her, with my throat closed up, my whole body getting tense as though a current entered from the tips of my fingers and arrowed straight to my heart.

Her long legs went on for miles, temptingly exposed by the short tight skirt she was wearing.

I watch as she twirled her hips with each movement she makes. every other guy's scrutiny is in her direction and that makes me more than angry, I can feel my blood boiling as I balled my hands into a fist.

Calm down, Emir...

Trying to get her off my mind and avoiding to show how weak I am when she's near, I take a sit where I will be able to see her every movement, two hot blondes approach me but trust me they are nothing close to her, I could use them as my distraction right now.

They both start stroking my body making my dick hard, but it's not their touch that gets me horny but the presence of her does. Looking at how beautiful she is from a distance and the way she throws her head back when she giggles and how her eyes sparkle under the flashing lights with innocent happiness and how she swings her body makes me want to go straight to her and claim her as mine and only mine.

The feeling of seeing her taking shots after the shot breaks my heart, I put her through it and I'm here watching her suffering on the inside without being there to calm her down aches.

She makes her way to the dance floor and for one single moment the world melts away around her, anyone could tell

that she didn't give a damn about anybody else. The way she says her hips times perfectly with the beat.

Our eyes meet...

I feel like getting sucker-punched right in the gut with the red, blue and green lights flashing our eyes still connect and I can tell she's fighting hard to avoid my stares but not even her could stop me from looking in her direction. With my knees beginning to be weak and my mind getting blank.

I find myself pushing away everything and walking towards her direction with one hand in my pocket, every step I take makes everyone in my direction jump in fear for thy all know who I am but she doesn't.

I can't be weak around her, for her to see how weak I am. Stretching my hand forward, she hesitates for a moment then connects her hand with mine, engulfing her soft hands

into mine.

Don't show her how weak you are...