God of the...Strip Club? Wait, what?

Regarding his involvement in the original plot of DxD, just wanted to elaborate on that a bit. He will eventually be involved with the main plot, at least during certain points. However, I do have plans for him to have his own little 'journey' per say in the world.

Anyway, I'm also not an experienced writer, a newbie at best. Hope you enjoy the story anyway. Also, just to avoid some confusions in the future, here is a small list of the timelines in which each of the chat group members are currently from.

● Kusanagi Kenji [Between episodes 5-7 of DxD Season 1]

● Ganyu [A month or so before the Traveller arrives]

● Akatsuki Kojou [A week or so before the start of the Strike The Blood anime]

● Neptune [A week before the start of the anime adaptation]


Across the dimensions with the other chat group members, they were all preparing themselves for the upcoming quest as well. Kojou was just getting stocked up on basic supplies that may prove useful, same being with Ganyu who was also busy with her own work, and Neptune...

"Pudding here, pudding there, pudding everywhere!" Neptune spoke as she seemed to be zooming across the kitchen of her basilicom. From the looks of it, she was piling countless cups of pudding, no surprise there, on the kitchen counter. "Alright, this should be enough for now!"

"Neptune, what are you doing?" At that moment, someone walked into the kitchen as Neptune turned her head to see who it was. When she did, she saw an 'older' female walking towards her, one with longer hair and wearing a white buttoned-up sailor uniform. "What's with all the pudding?"

"Hey there, Nepgear. I'm preparing myself for a wicked trip!" Neptune spoke as she placed both hands on her waist. "Who knows if I'll be able to have any pudding while I'm gone, so I'm making sure to carry my supply along. Just in case of emergency!"

"A trip?" The one known as Nepgear blinked in surprise at the sudden announcement. "Wait, where are you going? How long are you going to be gone for?"

"I'm not really sure, though don't you worry, I'll be back in a jiffy." Neptune nodded as she did recall seeing the message on the quest about how time in their respective worlds would freeze until they returned. "As for where I'm going... to another dimension!"


[A/N: This is before the start of the anime adaptation, so they don't yet have knowledge of other existing dimensions. Such as the one Plutia is from, so yeah. Hyperdimension doesn't really have consistent plot, nor is the anime really connected to the games in any way]

"I'm still questioning whether or not Neptune is lying about this or not." A new voice suddenly spoke up as they looked to see a small blonde fairy-like entity seated upon a book floating over towards them. "I wouldn't be surprised if she is just saying this to avoid more of her work..."

"Wow, ru~de! Do you really think I'd do something like that, Histy?"


"No one trusts the Nep nowadays..." Neptune pouted slightly as she crossed her arms. First it was the chat group members who had doubted her words of being a goddess, and now Histoire here as well thinking she could be lying. "Nonetheless, I'm telling you guys the truth! You believe me, right? Nepgear?"

"Well... it is quite out there." Nepgear smiled nervously as she responded. "I'm not really sure if I can believe you..."

"Even my own little sister...!" Neptune looked as if an invisible arrow pierced through her after hearing those words. Almost immediately though, she sprung back up all hyper. "Believe what you guys want, I'm telling the truth! I'll even bring back a souvenir! For now though, Nepgear! We're going shopping for some pudding!"

"W-We are?"

"Why do you need to buy more?" Histoire asked with a frown as she glanced towards the multiples stacked pudding cups on the kitchen table. "Even if what you've been saying about this... chat group is true, this amount of pudding should be more than enough!"

"No way, these pudding cups here are for me! I need to buy extra ones for the others, especially so I can show Ganyu just how amazing pudding really is!" Neptune had declared as if she had just announced her long life goal. "She has yet to taste the treasure known as pudding, and I, Neptune, refuse to stand by without doing anything about it!"



"Alright. Let's go, Nepgear!"

As Neptune dragged her sister out of the room quickly, Histoire could only watch before rubbing her temple as she released a sigh. Neptune had been telling her about a chat group or whatever that connected different worlds, and how she was apart of it. She didn't know whether to believe Neptune or not, the concept just sounded absurd.


Over in Liyue, Ganyu could currently be seen sitting at her desk with a bunch of papers stacked on the desk. She was currently very busy at work, though it was nothing out of the usual for her, she had been doing this for a very long time after all.

The past week was rather stressful for her, not because of her work load, it was more because she was mentally stressed about the upcoming quest. While she was quite looking forward to meeting the others face to face, she was obviously nervous at the same time.

Most of the stress though stemmed from the nature of the mission they were given, which was to travel back to ancient Liyue and assist the Yakshas in their battle. Her worries about the quest were very much justified, she knew very well just how horrible that time period was, she lived through it after all.

Compared to the present time, Liyue was much more dangerous compared to today due to the dangers that were still around. Back then, there were far more demons since the Yakshas were still destroying them, even today there are still some demons around that are being hunted by the Conqueror of Demons.

If she was being honest, she didn't really want to experience any of that any more. All the blood shed and war that raged on during the Archon War, and even after that, was something she never wanted to see again. However, given the specific task they were given, perhaps it'd be all worth it.

Their job was to help the Yakshas in their battle against the demons to defend Liyue, whichever battle that was, there were too many to count at this point. If they were truly successful in this job, then they could prevent that terrible event where all the Yakshas suffered under their karma.

She never was too close with any of the Yakshas, mainly due to their difference in life style. She was someone who avoided conflict, while they pretty much lived in it. However, that didn't mean she didn't respect them, quite the opposite actually.

"To remove their karmic debt... is that even possible?" Ganyu sighed to herself as she looked up from her desk and outside towards the sky. "Is it really possible to remove all the negative karma? Perhaps, just perhaps..."

If there really was a known way to rescue the Yakshas from their fates, then the people Liyue along with the other Adepti and Rex Lapis himself would have done so. But, the fact that this chat group gave them this mission, did that mean it was actually possible?

"It wouldn't make sense to be given a task that cannot be completed..." Ganyu fell into deep thought as she leaned back in her chair, eyes trained on the ceiling of the room. "However, I have no idea how. Unless... the others can."

Whether the other members of the chat group can really do something about the Yakshas and their karma, she had no idea. From what she had observed of their previous conversations, neither did any of the other members know how to accomplish it.

If any of them had the capability to do such a task, they certainly weren't aware of it.


Five days or so have gone by since Kenji had moved back here to Tokyo, and it was all mostly smooth sailing. He travelled further out and away from the city whenever he went to train, and it seemed to be working so far as he hadn't had any encounters with other beings, at least from what he could tell.

However, whenever he returned to the city, there were times when that same feeling of being watched returned to him. It was really bugging him at this point, whoever was keeping an eye on him these past few days hadn't shown themselves, and he wasn't sure if he wanted them to.

Nonetheless, he had made some great progress in his training.

His proficiency in utilising his new holy light abilities had improve greatly over the last five days, conjuring weapons and such became almost as easy as breathing. His manipulation of pure holy light still needed some work, but he had made some incredible progress.

He had just finished up with his training for today and had just returned to the city, he didn't really have anything else in mind to do today though. He had held himself back on eating anything, and it seemed to be paying off as he found himself craving less and less for food and water.

In fact, despite his lack of calorie and liquid intake, his body was functioning at peek condition twenty-four-seven. If he understood his abilities well, it seemed that his body was evolving to survive without the need of nourishment.

"Now that's a sight..." Kenji couldn't help but mutter when he saw an old man standing perversely with a hunched back in front of what looked to be the entrance to a strip club or something. He gave the man an amused look before calmly walking past him. 'What the-?!'

Kenji stopped in his tracks when he felt his instincts flaring up, and while they didn't give him the message of him being in danger, they more told him that he was in the presence of a being stronger than himself. Kenji quickly turned to look back when this feeling washed over him.

When he did, he found the old man staring directly into his eyes.

"Interesting... you seem to be an ordinary human, but that holy energy coming off of you proves otherwise. Perhaps an exorcist?" The old man spoke as he seemed to cast a calculative gaze over Kenji who widened his eyes at the words. "No, mere humans cannot have such a pure holy energy. It's purity is comparable to Michael himself, no... it's even greater."

Kenji had no idea how to respond to the man in front of him, but those words alone were obviously evidence enough that he was no ordinary old-timer. His clothing was already pretty abnormal as is, but the dude's overall presence was anything but normal as well.

"...Who are you?"

"Ah, my apologies. It seems I've forgotten to introduce myself." The old man gave a chuckle as he said this. He then looked at Kenji with an amused and curious look in his eyes. "My name is Odin, a pleasure to meet you, young man. May I know who you are?"

'Odin? As in the god from freaking Norse mythology?' Kenji held held back his surprise from appearing on his face as much as possible. This would explain the really powerful presence the guy had, but it was still hard to believe this guy was a legitimate god. "Kenji... Kusanagi Kenji."

"Kenji, huh?" Odin repeated Kenji's name with interest, an amused look on the old man's face, obviously having noticed Kenji's held-back reaction.

As Odin stroked his beard while looking Kenji up and down, Kenji was wondering what the hell the chances were that he'd run into a legit god in Tokyo of all fucking places. He also questioned why the hell the All-Father was in front of a strip club, was the god referred to as a pervert in mythology?

"There's no need to be so wary, young man. I mean you no harm." The words didn't at all calm Kenji down as he still looked as cautious and defensive as ever, earning another chuckle from the old man. "You're an interesting one. I did feel a powerful holy presence around the city not too long ago, but to think it came from a human."

Kenji frowned slightly at that. "..."

"I'd be careful, the church would no doubt keep their eyes on you if they were to find out about your abilities. No doubt those from Heaven as well." Odin closed his eyes before smiling as he opened them back up. He then looked back away from Kenji. "Good luck, young man. Until we meet again."

Kenji just watched as the old man gave him a serious look before...going into the strip club.