Back when Akira was meditating, time passed quickly without him noticing and it was already late afternoon.
Akira flew through the skies supporting his weight using
Meanwhile elsewhere.
In a large and dimly lit room, right in the middle of this room was a circle drawn with strange writings that formed a 'pentagram'. In addition to the pentagram, several ancient-looking books lay on the floor.
Other many shelves served to accommodate more books.
In addition to these books, inside the place there were three people wearing black robes while hiding their faces using clown masks with only their eyes and mouth visible.
Of these three people, one of they was an Elder, a woman and a man who appeared to be older than Akira.
''Elder, everything is ready.'' The woman spoke with a tone of respect for the man she called the Elder, She continued: ''All that remains is to bring the sacrifices.''
There was a hint of joy mixed with pleasure in that woman's eyes.
''Good, good... soon all our wishes will come true.'' Said the Elder with a big smile, turning to the silent man, he said ordering him: ''Keita, bring the sacrifices to begin the ritual of evoking our Goddess.''
"Yes, Master," Keita replied in a respectful tone, doing as he was ordered, he started to go deeper into that dimly lit room while stepping on some books that were in his way.
Walking down the long hallway and away from his group upon reaching what appeared to be a prison, Keita opened one of the doors that were made of metal bars and took out a leather whip from his waist.
With almost the same look on his face as the woman before him, he said sadistically, "Stand up, you filth! The Master will finally make the meaningless life of rubbish like you worthwhile."
Inside the prison were five people, 3 malnourished women wearing only rags and two equally malnourished men wearing rags.
The five had one thing in common, not prisoners. But... the women had their breasts cut off and various horrible scars and the men were castrated and mutilated.
All this was done without anesthesia and with them still awake.
These five people had already given up on any kind of salvation they could get, there was no escape, their bodies were weakened, and finally, these people were from a powerful clan that would turn a blind eye when they got it.
In order for this type of ritual to succeed, it was necessary to inflict large amounts of pain on the target and cause him to fall into sheer despair.
None of those five people tried to say anything...
They have long since given up on any possible hope and just waited until they finally died.
A chilling chill was paralyzing those six, preventing them from saying anything or moving.
Quickly the freezing started to intensify until they felt they were freezing and suddenly they felt a tightness in their throats and he and the six started to levitate as if something mystical was levitating them upwards.
Six pops happened simultaneously.
This was each of their necks snapping like a fragile twig.
Emerging from the shadows as if they were one with her, with the human form wearing a black cloak that easily allowed him to hide in the shadows, his robes and armor were black and covered his entire human form aside from his face, which was covered by a black cloth. mask. The mask was white with red stripes over each eye hole. It would have covered her cheeks, but not her nose or mouth. There was also a brown embossed detail on the mask that divided it vertically into two halves.
If you took a closer look at those bodies on the ground, you could easily see that they were withering away, as if all the life was being sucked out of them.
Whatever it was, it stopped quickly after turning those people into mummies, the humanoid form that was there... He didn't even bother to look at those people on the ground and just passed them as if they were just pebbles on the road as a noise of Chain sounded behind him.
'Keita! Why are you taking so long? How the hell is my Apprentice having a hard time dealing with some lowly slaves!?'' Roared the Elder in the distance not realizing that his apprentice has already fallen into Death's arms.
Wondering what the hell was going on with his apprentice, the Elder started walking towards the farthest room while the woman just kept silent, it wasn't her place to say anything about his apprentice.
Only to take half a step and see a humanoid form standing stoically in the shadows, if he didn't look closely he would just think it was a shadow, but looking closely at whatever it was he had something silver-colored cylinder shaped in his hand. .
''Who are you!?'' growled the Elder, squinting he didn't expect to have a person there with they.
The woman tried to say something, but something very quickly hit her in the stomach.
The impact and speed were so great that the woman broke in half...
All the woman managed to do before she died was a horrified expression.
Half of her body fell right on top of the 'Pentagram'.
Turning his head to see what had happened, the Elder saw a chain they used on prisoners stuck deep in the wall...
The Elder was unable to say anything as something grabbed him by the throat and made him float, looking at the humanoid form, he saw his arm stretched out as it seemed to grab something.
The Old Man began to suffocate...
The Elder seemed to finally lose his sanity and started screaming hysterically at the humanoid form in the shadows...
The humanoid form finally opened its mouth to say something...
''...I find your lack of faith disturbing.''
A cold voice without any emotion like falling snow sounded in that room.
A snap was heard in the Elder's neck and he dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes.
''It seems that in the end... I failed.'' Said the being, its voice still cold and desolate. As he looked at the Pentagram.
Half of the woman's body was fully absorbed by the Pentagram, leaving not a drop of blood behind...
All that remained in the now place of the Pentagram was a disgusting black goo that moved as if they were alive. As if alive, the goo began to grow to the size of a human.
Quickly whatever it was... it took its final form.
Long hair that twists as if cursed with the color of a beautiful moonless night. A voluptuous white physique and the hooves of a certain beast...
Two abominable horns to call goat horns.
''Good Morning! So tell me... what do you desire?'' He Spoke the 'Being' Now a woman who easily surpassed a Goddess of Beauty.
''Ho... How strange... You're not kneeling or screaming when you see me, hm?''
And that malevolence in your smile that is instead full of kindness...
''You are...Beautiful.'' Said the Being shrouded in shadows letting that little murmur escape involuntarily.
The Woman approached the person and stared at the person with the black cloak over her eyes with a cold gaze while slightly pursing her lips: ''...Fufu-Fufu ♥ Demon, Goddess of Evil, Black Sheep... of many names I've been called, but... this was the first time I've heard someone call me ''beautiful''! So it's possible to be summoned by someone who doesn't know who I am...'' The Goddess said with a dreamy look.
The Goddess came even closer to him while her hair, which were black tentacles, wrapped around his legs without much strength to not crush them, the woman went behind his back and wrapped her delicate hands around his neck...
She spoke in that sweet voice.
''Fufu~ I liked you...but, I hate to tell you, I'm not beautiful.''
Something seemed to change when he saw her delicate hands again turning into black claws, she said in a distorted voice that contrasted with her sweet voice.
''I am Black Goat with a Thousand Young. Sometimes you can call me Goddess, other times Devil... I will grant you a Wish in exchange for what you value most." As the Goddess spoke, she shifted position and came face to face with him, having to use its tentacles to float due to the height difference.
Slowly removing the mask from his face, she had a big smile on her face as a cold, malevolent gaze was directed at the man...
Looking into his face, the Goddess said, "Tell me, what do you desire?''
- Pov Akira -
''Tell me. What do you desire?'' The Goddess asked me. We're so close I could feel her hot breath and just a little longer she'd be kissing me.
''You... I want you.'' I said that this might be the only solution to save all life on earth.
The Goddess in front of me... I know her, I know her well.
Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, an Outer God in HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.
''Eh? ...''
It was the answer that I gained a Goddess confused by my desire.