
Rui immediately got up, beholding her form once again.

He couldn't help but almost feel that she was out of place in this very world. It was as though she was just one step away from breaking out of it.

Power beyond his wildest fathoming radiated from within her being, power that put to shame anything else he had ever sensed in the past. He couldn't even understand how a single being could possess so much individual power. It was though the very world was broken to allow an individual to ascend to such heights.

The Upper Realms in general seemed extremely inscrutable to him. Where was all this power coming from? He got the feeling that the Squire and the Senior Realms were a lot more transparent and easier to understand.

Regardless, he was unable to gain any insight into her power, her Martial Art or Path, or even the nature of her being.

"Today we commence the seventy-second Virodhabhasa Martial Contest," She spoke.