
His presentation didn't contain even a hint of flamboyance and extravagance. He didn't want to go for any exorbitance or flashiness. He simply wanted to cleanly prove the mettle of the thought-centric techniques that he would be providing to them. 

There was no need for anything more, and these Martial Masters would probably not appreciate it if he tried impressing them with anything other than Martial Art. It would be seen as a sign of weakness and a concession that his technique wasn't all that impressive and that he couldn't rely on a transparent presentation to impress them.

That was why he abstained from using the Metabody System or the Hypnomatrix. Now was not the time to employ those. Those were so powerful that they would completely defeat the point of the demonstrations.

In this way, instead, he conveyed the impact of the voidlet techniques.

He heaved a sigh once the presentation ended as the Martial Masters came over him.