All Hell Broke Loose

Rui stood at the center of the battlefield.

His eyes were closed. 

Before him were the five Martial Masters assigned to invigilate the battle.

They awaited the Gatekeeper.

They awaited his arrival.


The land around them quivered ever so slightly.

Rui opened his eyes.

His instincts tingled.

A profound power radiated from some distance behind him.

It was different from the power of higher Realms. 

It was less muted.

It lacked the sophistication of a Martial Mind that obscured the depth of its power. The Martial Mind deeply empowered one's combat prowess, yet its depth was not nearly as easy to comprehend or become aware of.

It did not inspire as much raw fear.

After all, one could not fear what one was unaware of.

This was different.

Every human and every beast, every creature, every lifeform, sentient or otherwise, understood.