Operation Transcension

The re-emergence of the Void Prince sent a message to the highly select few who knew what was in store for Kandria's future.

All sixteen Martial Sages. The Grand General of the Kandrian Royal Army. The Grand Admiral of the Kandrian Royal Navy. The Minister of Defense. The Minister of National Security.

These were the key individuals in the nation who had been informed by the Emperor of his grand plan. They were too significant in their roles to play in what was to come to be left in the dark. None of them knew why the Emperor chose to wait for his son to re-emerge from his training to commence his grand plan.

None of them had been made privy to the entirety of his grand plan, either. The Emperor of Harmony had stuck to a need-to-know basis for his grand plan, refusing to reveal even a hint more than was necessary.

Yet, despite this, not a single person objected to this.