Training Value

"Before that, you must register with the administration," they told him. "After that, you will be assigned a briefing and an evaluation shortly after."

They gestured him to a counter with an array of human employees across them, processing Martial Artists that came with various needs and requirements.

"Once that's done, you can do whatever you want in your free time," they explained to him. "You can avail the training resources in the Panamic Martial Federation with either monetary or Martial compensation."

"Understood." Rui nodded. "I appreciate the guidance. By the way, I never caught your names, unfortunately."

"Ah…" They exchanged glances. 

"I am Dellir Merenmel." The man smiled.

"I am his wife," she added. "Maywel Merenmel."

"Merenmel…" Rui narrowed his eyes as the name struck as oddly familiar. "Wait a minute, you guys…Are you not the Cardinal Couple?"