Individuality and Interpretation

Rui simply gazed at the gathered Martial Artists with a blank expression, heaving a sigh.

"Let's begin."

Consul Sergenilius and Consul Notera narrowed their eyes.

It was an unceremonious start to what was perhaps one of the most important turning points in the history of the Nest of Terra. Consul Notera could only hope that he didn't intend to share the Scriptures of Terra with the people who had tried to kill him for it in the first place.

There was no way that he was going to be that foolish and forgiving.

"First, the breakthroughs." 

He activated his Realms of power before commencing the various breakthroughs of the various Martial Artists of the entirety of the Nest of Terra.

Consul Sergenilius heaved a sigh of relief that he didn't limit his magical breakthroughs to the Martial Faction.