Unwilling Destination

And thus, they departed from the Nest of Terra in haste, rushing away from it in a hurry. Rui wasn't too worried about being chased down by the Nest of Terra.

He was sure that his father would learn about what had happened very soon, and there was no way that he wouldn't take action after having already issued a very stern warning to the Nest of Terra.

He looked forward to learning about what was surely going to happen to the Nest of Terra when the time came. 

"It's a shame that such a wonderful nation became our enemy," Amare mused with a tinge of melancholy. "I promised the Shield of Gaia that I would come back and reminisce."

"You can still do that if he's under the Nest of Terra as opposed to inside it," Rui pointed out. "You will have to get stronger."

"That I have," she patted her bicep in an enthusiastic gesture. "I learned a new dance, after all."