His Trolley Problem

He turned back to the seven Sages, who simply stood there gazing at him with pious reverence.

It made him uncomfortable.

It was bad enough when regular people did it. But it was still more tolerable since the gap in power between him and the average person was astronomical, to say the least. He found it more understandable and simply shrugged it away.

However, when vaunted Martial Sages, the very peak of Martial Art for all practical reasons, prostrated before him, he felt deeply uncomfortable because he didn't believe that he was worthy of such reverence of them, of all people. 

Regardless, he put his emotions in the back pocket and recognized the merit of this strategy. It was unlikely that any material offer could move the religious nuts who sought to dedicate all their power to finding the Antithesis.

"Then, I just need to give them the Antithesis…" he realized.

Or at least pretend to give them the Antithesis.