Anticipating Battle

Rui's eyebrow rose at her words.

That was an interesting description of a person's strength.

"Be careful when you fight him," Amare warned Rui. "He kills unlike anything I have ever seen in my entire life."

That was also an intriguing description of a Martial Artist's power.

Rui grew increasingly curious about the Anti-Life. 

And despite that, he didn't want to ruin the battle by gaining the foreknowledge advantage.

A small smile cracked on his face.

"I guess I will just have to find out how strong he is in person."

And that was exactly what he intended to do. 

Soon enough, he fell asleep, eager to get some rest. Although the Blood of Solaris gave him tremendous stamina, he still wanted to be at his peak when the next day rolled about. Although he probably wouldn't end up fighting the very next day itself, he still wanted to make the most powerful impression he could on the Sages of the other seeds.